Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Decision's Made

Well, we might as well make public our official decision on where to go this fall. We plan on spending at least the next four years in Seattle!

The comfort of familiarity and saving money actually had us resigned to staying in Salt Lake City. I say resigned because several months ago we really wanted to go to Seattle. In fact, Brooke wrote a cryptic blog awhile back saying there was something we really wanted but she couldn't say what (so as to not jinx things). Well, going to the University of Washington was it. We then started getting cold feet when we began looking at financial matters. Everything from school to rent to health insurance is significantly more expensive there so we had resigned ourselves to staying.

However, we were unhappy with our decision and decided since we would be poor either way we might as well accept a few extra years with student loans to pay and go ahead with the dream. For my part, I am extremely excited! It's a Christmas Eve type feeling whereas staying here was a snowy Monday morning school day. Besides being at a stellar pharmacy school, I'm looking forward to a change of scenery. I do hate going away from family, but like young sailors of old I feel a call for adventure pulling me out to sea. Well, toward the sea anyway.


christy said...

You'll still be in the west though, not so far. And since it's a fun city you may have visitors often. It's always worth it to do what feels right. I know we were dying to get out of Utah after graduation from BYU. Now we are back but that's OK. Different times in life call for different things. I'm excited for you.
Oh and Brooke fooled no one with her so called cryptic blog. We all knew what she meant but didn't want to say.=)

Natalie said...

Good for you! It's nice to get out and have your own life experiences. Seattle's a GREAT place to live, by the way!

Brian Hanks said...

You are going to LOVE Seattle! I'm pumped for you guys. I might even come visit to show my support. If you'll let me, of course...

Scott and Laura Bowles said...

wow that is so cool congrats you guys!

Lauren Jayne said...

I am so excited for you guys. I love Seattle and I think you guys will have so much fun exploring that awesome city and area together!! Congratulations!

Samantha said...

YAY! When we visited Kelsey and Bill there, I thought it was a really cool place. Exciting. I hope you enjoy it!

Janell said...

Congratulations on following your heart! Seattle will be a great place to live. When Caroline ran at the University of Washington last year, Bryce and I went. I enjoyed the campus.

kelsey said...

I maintain that Seattle is the most beautiful city on the planet...o.k. at least the most beautiful that I've been to but that's quite a few. Great decision. I'm super nostalgic for Seattle now. Wish we could have lived there at the same time! You'll love the adventure, and it's a wise career move.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys! (Brooke, I don't know if you remember me or not, I was friends with Ben when you guys were dating...I think we met, like, once at his apt or something :) I hope you don't mind me reading your blog...it's fun to read...you seem like a nice girl :) ) Anyway, just wanted to say congrats! Good luck in WA!
