I feel like I'm failing as a blogger and as a pregnant person for not having one of those widgets on my side bar for the countdown to B-Day.
It's not that I haven't thought about it. I have. It's just ... I will either have to use one that everyone else has used or use one that makes our unborn child look so creepy I'd probably end up having nightmares about it.
I'll probably eventually just relent and end up using one of the generic ones but ... for now our blog will remain widget-less.
I had the to widget or not to widget debate- plus I thought most of them were a bit on the creepy side. I don't know if mine's generic or not, but I recommend it. ;) Plus, in the whole widget decision, it's super fun to see how far along you are/days left everytime you see your blog. :) That's my 2 cents! So excited for you!
I agree- there are some freaky "pictures" on those widgets, but how am I suppose to remember how far a long you are without one????!! ;) Just get one! -even if it doesn't have one of those "lovely" pictures on it- words are good enough! :)
Ha, I think those tickers are funny. I don't blame you for not having one!
I love the creepy one, ha ha. Also, if you want a ticker-type thing that just shows how much time down/how much time to go, try lilypie.com, they have cute ones, and a ton of options.
I have to amend that I think one of the 3-Dish widgets aren't creepy. But there was one that looks great when baby is all the way developed but then when I put in how far along I was it was like looking at an alien monster. I will probably end up doing a ticker or something.
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