It seems like I've been waiting for this day forever. (The announcing)
Lots of you already know this story but I'm sharing it again since this blog has become almost as much of a journal as it has become a way to let our families know what we're up to.
About 2 years ago Ben and I decided we really wanted to bring another member into our family. I, admittedly, planned everything down to the date I wanted this kid to be born. (October through February but not mid/late-December or early January because of Christmas) Turns out life, and Heavenly Father, have other plans for us.
We tried and tried and there were probably a few emotional break downs and lots of frustration, especially when it literally felt like every other person on the planet was having a baby and we'd been trying longer! (Okay, I don't actually know if this is true but it sure felt like it). And finally, after -lots- of persuasion I convinced Ben it was time to go to a specialist.
I made the appointment and they were booked out an entire month - the longest month of my life. And then I got a cold. A horrible, horrible cold. And we almost had to re-schedule but I sucked it up and acted like I was not sick (which I am sure the doctor would have frowned upon - a lot) and we went.
We discussed our genetics, our lifestyle, etc. - it was a pretty normal doctor's appointment. Then they sent me downstairs with a prescription to start a treatment and to get some blood drawn to make sure everything was okay with my thyroid, I think. (I don't remember these details exactly)
Well, later that day or the next, the nurse called and, in what was a shock to us, told me kindly not to take any of the pills I'd just bought because I was indeed pregnant! It turns out this doctor's office is magic! All you have to do is schedule an appointment and things just fall into place.
Anyway, we went in for two separate ultra sounds to figure out how far along we were because the first one the baby wasn't even actually a baby yet so they couldn't measure it to figure out how far along we were. Since then we've forgotten and remembered that this is really happening. I've been able to see the baby's heart beating twice. And the baby is now the size of a peach!
I don't know. Maybe if I was sick this would seem more real. Not that I'm complaining about my lack of sickness. I haven't had a day of nausea. Mostly it's just random pains that last a half hour at most. But I have yet to realize we're really going to be a family of 3 in a few long months.
So, even with all our "planning" falling through, we are having a baby January 27th and we couldn't be more happy.
Thanks to everyone for your support and well-wishes!
Once again, so excited for you guys! Happy and healthy pregnancy to you!
congrats!!! so you really didn't need to take that home pregnancy test then..... but glad you did. the picture is worth it!
Congratulations you guys!!
Whoohoo!!! :) I'm so excited for you! :) That is so exciting! And boy, don't ever wish for a bit of sickness - just count your lucky stars!! Though I have to say, I'm more than a bit jealous. ;) Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!
YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!! Soooooo excited for your!!! HURRAY! I am so glad you haven't been sick, enjoy it now because who knows how that may change! YAY!!!!
Congrats!! That is so exciting for you both! I know how you feel. We had a miscarriage with our first and it took another year of trying before we got pregnant. It's long and hard. I'm actually due Aug. 1st though and we're thinking of naming her Ashlynn Brooke actually :). Can't wait to hear what you're having!
YAYAYAY! I'm super happy for you guys.
You and Ben will be great parents. We are so happy for you. I hope you continue to feel good.
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) again and again and again!
Congratulations, I am so happy for you. Being parents is the most rewarding job you will ever have in this life and truly will be your best source of happiness! My little girl was born January 28th, it's not too bad I think with it being a whole month after Christmas we didn't really feel like it was too much at once. Hope you continue to fell great and don't get sick
happy happy joy joy
Yeah, I took the home pregnancy test because I didn't actually believe the doctor's office! Turns out they were right.
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