Sunday, May 22, 2011

Be Smart and Never Show It.

Ben failed that quote by Louis B. Mayer and I don't blame him even a little. I'm not exactly sure what she was going for when she said it since I found it as just the quote itself and taken out of all the context that it should probably be surrounded by. Anyway, I'm distracting myself from the real reason for this blog.

On Friday we had the opportunity to attend the Pharmacy Banquet for Rho Chi, aka Rx, the Pharmacy Honor Society. As it turns out, only the top 15 percent of Ben's classmates were asked to join. Of that 15 percent, three were guys, 10 of the girls were of an Asian background, and only two of the people were over 5 feet 8 inches. All of those things can be seen in the picture below:

We were able to drink drinks and partake in "Savory Appetizers". This is Ben very excited about his savory delights.

And then they called Ben up and told us all a little bit about him and something that made him unique.

He looks so proud of himself standing up there while we all learn that he enjoys rollerblading with his wife (amongst other things that I can't remember) and that he grew up on a small dairy farm in Southern Idaho.

The room we were in had the most breathtaking view but ... I failed to take a decent picture; although, I did manage to capture this:

The main speaker was so great to these 17 new initiates. She made each of them a butterfly and talked to them about important stuff that people talk about at these sort of things. ... Maybe Ben should do a follow-up post to fill you in on the details I've forgotten.

And last but not least, Ben with his new Rho Chi Pin. I'm so proud of him!

I realized I should have taken a close up shot of the pin. I'll have to do that when I get home and I'll post another blog dedicated just to his pin. (Which has his initials engraved on the back).

Congrats Ben!


Unknown said...

Congrats to Ben! That's awesome!

Amanda Kristeen said...

How exciting for you both! Congrats!

christy said...

Yay Ben! You are so humble yet so awesome!

Al and Ash said...

Ben, that is impressive! Good for you. You'll have to send some of that motivation my way!

Benjipups said...

Thanks everyone!

Ha ha, I don't know about humble Christy. Case in point:

Brooke- "Do you want to blog about your banquet?"
Me- "No, I think that would make me come across as a braggart."
Brooke- "Oh ok."
Me- "You could blog about it though."

Fran said...

oh, I like seeing Ben's classmates.

Mrs. Mike said...

Good job, Ben!

I like your conversation with Brooke.

kelsey said...

Good job, BP. Glad you're not humble enough to prevent Brooke from blogging.