Monday, December 15, 2014

Bellevue Festival of the Nativities

Day #5 of our advent calendar took us to the Bellevue Festival of the Nativities which, as you might have guessed, is in Bellevue. It's actually at the Stake Center right next to the temple and I always love driving by the temple so it was extra fun. 

When we first arrived a hand bell choir was just going on to perform so we got to listen to a hand bell choir for a little while. Dragon was captivated by the first one and a half songs and then we was ready to get up and move so we wandered around and looked at all the different nativities. I don't know how many they had but I think it would be an understatement to say it was in the low hundreds. 

They had really managed to make that place beautiful. A lot of hard work has gone into decking it out. They had a room just for kids to play with some kid-friendly nativities and then they had a photo room where you could dress up and get your picture taken. 

Dragon chose the costume with the fancy box which resulted in these awesome pictures:

I don't think there ever was a cuter wise man.

Ben was going to go with the obvious choice of Joseph to join Mary and baby but the other wise
man robe was a lot more cool looking. 

I'm glad we could find a fun way to celebrate the season and remember what Christmas is all about. 

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