Anyway. I decided to get online and look at the Newman family tree on myfamily.com and I started adding some of the info. on the family tree I have been making at myheritage.com.
This little endeavor brought something to my attention. Ben's great grandma, Bertha Urech, was born in Switzerland and died in Jerome, Idaho. What a life story she must have. Leaving your birthplace and ending up Jerome, Idaho. I wonder how that happened, when that happened, etc.. And of all the luck, she married a Newman. I just wish I knew how it all came to pass. Too bad I don't know any of it, but I don't think it has to be that way.
My grandma has spent a good part of her life putting together my ancestor's life stories and doing geneology. As a result I was given a folder telling me a bit about their lives- I think. Unfortunately, when I got the file I was a bit too concerned about my own life and not so much about the lives of peole who are dead and gone so I haven't even opened it for more than a few minutes. So, now that I'm gaining an interest in the lives of the past I hope that I can take the time to read about my ancestors and my husband's ancestors, especially when the information is readily available.
Oh, and Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
we have her story somewhere. ben should know some of the details. i have a blanket she made.
We have the story too. I'm sure we can get a copy of it to you guys.
Of all my ancestries, Irish is the one I try most readily to claim. Maybe it explains my curly hair, at least.
I would love to have a copy of the story and any others anyone may have.
I totally thought they were more Irish- like more percentage? William was teasing me that I was not "Irish enough" today, but I think I might be more Irish than he is now...
I am terrible about family history, even though it interests me a lot.
Yes, we'll have to make sure you get Grandma Bertha's story. She totally inspires me, so much so that Teresa is named after her. They share the middle name Maria. She was a brave, strong, committed woman. And as for being married to a Newman, she called it "bliss" if I remember the context correctly. That word, "bliss," in her life history always stood out to me, even at a young age. I thought it was so romantic and enviable.
Well, of course being married to a Newman is bliss - right in-laws of mine? (I'll check with Mike to see what he thinks...)
Our maternal grandmother was full Irish, I believe, so doesn't that make us 1/8 Irish?
You could very well be 1/8th ... Ben did mention he might have heard incorrectly.
Grandma Berry was an incredible woman who I loved very much. The only Grandparent I ever knew. I have her story as well as other Newman ancestors. The Newmans actually have a very colorful history--you would enjoy it!
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