I am trying something new to see if it's cost effective and if it tastes good. So far, so good.
It's called Dream Dinners and it's a company that basically gives you a menu then once you've made your selections you go spend an hour with them and put together about a months worth of meals and then take them home and freeze them until you are ready to eat (or you can request to have them made for you and then you just go pick them up and bring them home). They even have a date night session on the last Friday of every month so you and your spouse can spend a night together putting meals together and listening to good music. My kind of fun! Ben's - not so much.
I'm not sure about the cost effectiveness yet or about the taste on a lot of the stuff we got but I have enjoyed eating delicious real meals the last few days - it's hard to make anything besides grilled cheese sandwiches when Ben and I are starving as soon as we walk in the door from work. It's just a neat experience. I hope that if I end up doing it again I'll be able to drag along a friend or two and maybe some family - they do private sessions if you can get enough people to come.
Anyway, it's not cheap, I sort of just closed my eyes on the checkout page so I could get through it, but as of now it's worth it to us because it keeps Ben from having a meal of cookies for dinner and it still let's me spend some time in the kitchen plus I spend a lot of money at the grocery store each month anyway, so I guess we'll see - and I'll let you know how it works out.
you could just freeze your own meals on the weekend or put something in the crock pot before work so it will be just right when you get home. i'm not very good at planning meals ahead of time. i'm a pretty picky and moody eater.
I have tried to be good about that stuff but ... I'm not, which is why I think this company is awesome. Plus I'm never gonna get anything done before work because I am just not a morning person. I barely make the bus as it is.
When I cook something in the crock pot, I put it together the night before. I just stick the pot in the fridge over night. So the next morning all I have to do is take it out and turn it on.
You will never stop me from having a meal of cookies for dinner!
I am glad you had a wonderful Dream Dinners experience. It is the ultimate buy in bulk and save way to have a home cooked dinner and does cost less than buying the same ingredients at a grocery store. It is also very eco friendly, so much less packaging when you buy in bulk. Let me know what you think about the taste. We actually have children on our tasting panels; it is amazing to see what kids will really eat. We put kids in a box when we only feed them "white foods". Don’t miss our new Dream Rewards program, where you will receive gifts and other specials. You can get even more ideas on my blog Take care. http://stephanieallen.wordpress.com/
If you are interested too I have a book that is full of meals you make to freeze and they are so yummy and simple. Another good thing I have done is making my own hotpockets and breakfast burritos! Its fun to do!
Oooooooohhhhh, I've wanted to try Dream Dinners. Keep us posted on what you think. I'm in some kind of cooker's block spell myself, similar to writer's block, only for cooking. I just can't make myself do it. I would love to just eat cookies for dinner, but I've got kids, so the guilt would do me in. Instead, I've been buying prepared meals at Costco, but this sounds much better.
I tried My Girlfriend's Kitchen a couple of years ago--same idea. We liked some of the meals, and didn't like some of them. Then we got on a healthy food kick, and they did not seem to have the leanest meat and did have a lot of high calorie stuff. This place may be different. We have also used a lot of the prepared meals at Costco and we like them.
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