Sunday, December 6, 2015

Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

We kicked off the Christmas season with our annual tradition of chopping down a tree! I actually tried to get Ben to get our tree from Costco but I'm glad we didn't. We went to a different tree farm this year--a little further out in the woods and away from civilization. It almost felt like we were out in the mountains.

This year Dragon was all about helping his daddy with the tree. 

This is my very favorite picture from the day. I think it is adorable and perfect and it makes me smile every single time I look at it.

Aren't these two just the cutest? I am definitely jealous of how much Dragon admires and wants to be like his dad but I'm also really happy because I can't think of a better person for him to emulate. Ben is the best!

And this is what trying to get a picture of Dragon these days is like: 

So if you ever see him standing normal and smiling for a picture, know that it took a small miracle to make it happen.

We brought the tree home and got the lights on it right away but it took a couple more days to get the decorations up. It's certainly not our perfect tree from last year but it is still our tree and I love it. 

Colt had so much fun decorating the tree for the first time. 

He loved it so much he even stood to put the decorations on (or maybe he was taking them off) the tree!

Don't worry, he's still being a pill and refusing to walk regularly. In fact, now he walks less than before but he's started doing a bucking bronco crawl around the house so I'll try to get that on video sometime.

I can't wait to share the rest of our Christmas traditions! We're having so much fun!

1 comment:

Fran said...

Cute body language where Dragon is working hard, and cute work boots:)