Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day Weekend in the Woods

We had a fun-filled Mother's Day Weekend with Bunka and MaaAa (or however you would spell the sound of someone saying "Ma" plus "awe")

We arrived just before lunch and got lucky. They were just serving up hot dogs and chips and cookies to a group of boys who were just wrapping up their service for the camp.

Once lunch was over we headed down to the lake. 

This was by far the most pleasant weather we've had while visiting the grandparents and we took advantage of it!

We even found Colt something that resembled a life jacket so he could go out in the paddle boat with us.

Everyone else sat back and took a nap while Dragon paddled them around the lake.

The sun was really shining and dipping toes in the water just wasn't cooling us off quite as much as we would have liked so we did what any overheating person with a lake nearby would do, we jumped in!

Daddy's little shadow ... 

Even Dragon wanted in the lake. He got more and more brave each time he walked in and then out.

Colt spent most of his time dry, on land with Grandpa

but it wasn't for a lack of wanting to splash in the water.

After the lake we went and dried off and ate some delicious dinner and cobbler and then we headed over to the archery area.

Dragon loves to shoot arrows, and watch other people shoot arrows.

Colt on the other hand, loves bark. Both to play with and to eat. He's weird like that.

Innocently moving his hand to his mouth as if he's not doing anything wrong. 

Once the arrows lost their appeal we ran around and played on the toys. Colt really loved the little tire swing!

It was a beautiful weekend to spend outdoors. It was a great way to spend Mother's Day. 

Thanks Bunka and MaaAa for finding a place for us to stay and entertaining us for a day. 

Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

Fran said...

Yay! We have audio of him saying Bunka.