Monday, March 19, 2012

Sunday Best

E has made it to church a couple times now so I thought I'd share some pictures of him in his adorable Sunday attire even though these pictures don't quite do it justice:


 He's a pretty cute kid if I do say so myself.

He isn't a fan of the sitting still for 3 hours so, while I may have been at church, I can't say I've made it through many meetings since he's joined our family. 

Oh well. It's a small price to pay for such an amazing gift.

Oh! And for those who may want to know, we're going to be blessing him on Easter Sunday! Yay!


Mrs. Mike said...

Hooray for more pictures! I was literally just about to send you guys a message that, I know you're busy and all, but I need to see more pics of Ethan! He looks adorable in his church outfit. But then, he looks adorable in anything.

He's getting chubby!

kelsey said...

Dapper! I love how tiny the vest is. So cute.