Saturday, September 17, 2011

Great deals!

I was so excited about how well I did at the JC Penny sale yesterday that I had to share ... again.

I came home from the store with 19 different items and some of those item had 2 outfits or an entire outfit including shirt, shorts and socks. My total out of pocket expense on this "shopping spree" was $21 and a few cents!

Buying clothes made this all seem even more real for me. It's weird finally buying stuff for our kid and not everyone else!

And because pictures are better than words, my shopping trip as seen in picture form:

I promise I'll try to make the next blog post completely unrelated to babies.


Amanda Kristeen said...

Sweet deals!! Great job Brooke! :)

mkmk86 said...

Man, those must have been some awesome deals!!! and the outfits are so cute! Congratulations on having a boy! My brother had a boy in May and my sister-in-law is going to have a boy in December- they can be so fun! I'm excited for you!