Sunday, November 2, 2008


Ha ha! This was our first week in the nursery at church. I was all nervous because I imagined a bunch of screaming children and poopy diapers. Instead, we had an attempt at a simple lesson, singing time, snacks, and the rest of the time we just played! I get to play through 2/3 of church? I feel like I'm getting away with something here....


Samantha said...

What exactly do you do for a lesson in nursery?

christy said...

The kids are usually good in nursery. If you can behave too, you'll be great.=)
I used to bring Wiggles CDs and we would dance.

BrookeJean said...

Our instruction for a lesson was "Prepare a short 2 minute lesson on 'I am thankful that we are all children of our heavenly father'" So basically we ate snacks while we said things we were grateful for. The preferred answer was 'COOKIES'